Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Marine Corps


    Lance Corporal


    1st Amphibian Tractor Battalion


    3d Marine Division (Rein.), FMF

    Action Date:

    January 20, 1968

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lance Corporal Daniel M. Reeves (MCSN: 2182308), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Radio Operator with Company A, 1st Amphibian Tractor Battalion, THIRD Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 20 January 1968, Lance Corporal Reeves’ company was dispatched from it operational area north of the Cua Viet River to the vicinity of Bac Vang and My Loc Villages in Quang Tri Province to assist a besieged Vietnamese and Popular Forces patrol. As his platoon was proceeding to its blocking position aboard an amphibian tractor, it came under heavy anti-tank rocket and grenade attack and automatic and small arms fire from a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army force. In the initial moments of the attack, his vehicle was disabled and the platoon sustained numerous casualties. Although painfully wounded in the face and leg, Lance Corporal Reeves, remaining on top of the tractor under heavy enemy fire, manned his radio and reported the situation to the company commander. Then, alertly observing fifteen North Vietnamese soldiers maneuvering toward the Marines positioned behind the tractor, he requested artillery support and directed the fire with exceptional accuracy, killing ten of the advancing enemy and pinning down the remainder. Even though weakened from his severe wounds and despite the heavy volume of hostile fire, Lance Corporal Reeves maintained his hazardous position and directed supporting artillery fires on enemy emplacements for over an hour, enabling another platoon to advance and assist in repulsing the enemy attack. His steadfast determination and indomitable fighting spirit inspired all who observed him and were instrumental in preventing the numerically superior enemy force from overrunning his platoon. By his extraordinary courage, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty at great personal risk, Lance Corporal Reeves upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.