The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain William H. Osgood (MCSN: 0-79937), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Commanding Officer of Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 19 January 1968, Captain Osgood was informed that one of his platoons was pinned down by heavy enemy mortar and small arms fire 3,000 meters north of the company perimeter near Gio Dinh in Quang Tri Province. Quickly organizing a reaction force, Captain Osgood loaded his men aboard tanks and proceeded to the besieged Marines’ position. Undaunted by a heavy volume of mortar fire as he approached the battle area, he skillfully deployed his forces and launched an aggressive attack against the enemy. Repeatedly exposing himself to intense enemy fire, he led his men forward and destroyed a bunker complex, over-running the enemy’s right flank and enabling the pinned-down Marines to recover their casualties and move to more advantageous positions. Throughout the six hour engagement in which twenty-three North Vietnamese soldiers were confirmed killed and numerous weapons captured, Captain Osgood repeatedly disregarded his own safety to direct fire against the enemy, encourage his men and supervise the evacuation of casualties. As he withdrew his units from the battle area and led them to the security of the company perimeter, he directed effective artillery fire and air strikes against the fleeing enemy. His timely and courageous actions at great personal risk undoubtedly saved numerous Marine lives and contributed significantly to the defeat of the hostile force. By his inspiring leadership, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty, Captain Osgood upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.