The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Major Paul Gordon Judkins (MCSN: 0-76747), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Officer in Charge of Sub Unit One, Marine Aircraft Refueler Transport Squadron ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO, Marine Aircraft Group Thirty-Six, FIRST Marine Aircraft Wing in connection with military operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. During the early morning hours of 1 February 1971, several enemy large caliber rockets impacted in the living and working areas of Sub Unit One at DaNang Air Base and ignited a refueling farm containing over fifty thousand gallons of aviation fuel. Reacting instantly, Major Judkins organized a fire-fighting and salvage team and proceeded from the billeting area one quarter of a mile through the darkness to recover two KC-130 aircraft which were parked in dangerous proximity to the flaming fuel area. The aircraft, each containing sixteen tons of highly flammable aviation fuel, had sustained severe tire damage from rocket fragments and were so close to the rapidly spreading fire that rubber and metal components were melting from the intense heat. Fully aware that the aircraft could explode momentarily, Major Judkins nevertheless moved to the flight line and, with complete disregard for his own safety, entered the cockpit of the first aircraft and released the brakes to enable his team to tow the KC-130 to a relatively secure sector. Returning to the second aircraft, he boldly entered the cockpit, released the brakes, and ignoring the successive detonations from the refueling pits only yards away, remained in the immediate area until the towing operations were completed. His courageous actions inspired all who observed him and were instrumental in saving the valuable aircraft. By his leadership, bold initiative, and unswerving devotion to duty at great personal risk, Major Judkins upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.