The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain Jake Harshbarger (MCSN: 0-9622), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of Company C, First Battalion, Twenty-fifth Marines, FOURTH Marine Division in action against enemy Japanese forces on Saipan and Tinian, Mariana Islands from 15 June to 1 August 1944 Skillfully assisting in leading his men across an open, artillery swept field, Captain Harshbarger reached the initial objective and held it until the arrival of the remainder of his company, and participated in an aggressive defense in the face of a withering enemy counter attack When his commanding officer was killed on 19 June and his company suffered numerous casualties, eh promptly reorganized and continued the attack against enemy forces in caves which were holding up the advance. L After darkness forced his withdrawal, he reorganized his company and pressed home a strong attack in the face of heavy small arms and mortar fire and, continued to move forward and cleared out numerous caves which concealed snipers thereby, aiding materially in the ultimate success of the attack. L His inspiring leadership, personal heroism under fire and unflinching leadership, personal heroism under fire and unflinching devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon Captain Harshbarger and the United States Naval Service.