The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Sergeant James C. Berry (MCSN: 661191), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while serving as a Bulldozer Operator attached to Company A, First Engineer Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), during operations against enemy aggressor forces in Korea on 5 December 1950. With a regimental convoy subjected to violent attack by a strong hostile force employing automatic weapons and small arms during the movement south from Yudam-ni to Koto-ri, Sergeant Barry was quick to act when an ambulance attempting to evacuate wounded came under intense automatic weapons fire. Boldly driving his bulldozer between the enemy and the ambulance, he positioned his vehicle to draw the heavy fire to himself and provide a shield to cover the movement of the ambulance around a curve in the road and to a rear aid station. Fearlessly continuing at the head of the convoy, he worked tirelessly and with superb courage under blistering fire, filling craters, constructing by-passes and repairing damaged roads to permit the advance of the convoy. Despite a painful leg wound, he staunchly refused to be evacuated, remaining with the point of the column and continuing his efforts until his vehicle was rendered inoperative by enemy action. By his daring initiative, individual heroism and unrelenting devotion to duty, Sergeant Berry undoubtedly saved the lives of many who otherwise might have perished and expedited the movement of the regimental convoy to its destination. His selfless actions throughout were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.