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Dale Stovall Graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colorado, Class of 1967. The rescue effort for which he received the Air Force Cross was to recover Captain Roger Locher, who had evaded capture for 23 days after being shot down in North Vietnam. Captain Ronald E. Smith, and A-1E pilot who located and guided Captain Stovall to Locher’s position, also received the Air Force Cross for this rescue effort. Dale Stovall retired in 1993, as a U.S. Air Force Brigadier General on June 1, 1993.

Awards Received

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force




    40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron


    Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand

    Action Date:

    December 6, 1972

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as Aircraft Commander on an HH-53C Rescue Helicopter of the 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Nakhon Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, in action in Southeast Asia on 6 December 1972. On that date, Captain Stovall’s job knowledge, outstanding airmanship, and continuous professionalism, displayed under the constant threat of hostile fire and adverse weather conditions, immeasurably aided in recovery of a downed American airman. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Captain Stovall reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Legion of Merit


    United States Air Force



    Action Date:

    June 17, 1980 – August 20, 1983

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 20 July 1942, takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Colonel Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States while assigned to Headquarters, United States Air Force, Washington, District of Columbia, from 17 June 1980 to 20 August 1983. In this important assignment, the determination and exemplary foresight demonstrated by Colonel Stovall resulted in significant contributions to the effectiveness and success of numerous highly sensitive activities. Through his efforts, the United States military response capability to carry out national policy was significantly enhanced. The superior initiative, outstanding leadership, and personal endeavor displayed by Colonel Stovall reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Defense Superior Service Medal


    United States Air Force


    Brigadier General

    Action Date:

    July 11, 1991 – June 30, 1993

    Under the provisions of Department of Defense 1348.33-M, the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Defense Superior Service Medal to Brigadier General Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for exceptionally superior service while serving as Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, from 11 July 1991 to 30 June 1993. General Stovall’s dynamic leadership, vision, and professional competence contributed directly and positively to the successful conduct of numerous special operations contingencies. His contributions have been truly significant and will have a lasting impact on the United States Special Operations Community’s overall mission readiness. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Brigadier General Stovall culminate a distinguished career in the service of his country and reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense.

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


    United States Air Force




    40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron


    Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand

    Action Date:

    April 13, 1972

    Headquarters, 7th Air Force, Special Orders No. GB-0079 (November 7, 1942)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross with Combat “V” to Captain Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for heroism while participating in aerial flight as Aircraft Commander on an HH-53C Rescue Helicopter of the 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Nakhon Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, in action in Southeast Asia on 13 April 1972. On that date, Captain Stovall voluntarily participated in the rescue of a downed Marine pilot from deep within hostile territory. Braving intense anti-aircraft artillery, he defiantly orbited his aircraft for over forty minutes in this extremely hostile area to assist in the successful recovery of the downed pilot. The outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Captain Stovall reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Silver Star


    United States Air Force




    40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron


    Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand

    Action Date:

    March 2, 1972

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for gallantry in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force while serving in an HH-53C rescue helicopter of the 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand, in action in Southeast Asia on 2 March 1972. On that date, Captain Stovall with superior airmanship and personal courage, repeatedly volunteered to fly as co-pilot of an HH-53C helicopter into an extremely hostile area in the rescue of a downed airman. While under intense ground fire, Captain Stovall correctly analyzed an in-flight emergency, maintained vital communications with the Search and Rescue forces, insured that all required checks were performed, and was an indispensable aid in assisting the pilot in avoiding hazardous areas. By his gallantry and devotion to duty, Captain Stovall has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Legion of Merit


    United States Air Force



    Action Date:

    August 31, 1986 – June 21, 1989

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 20 July 1942, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Legion of Merit to Colonel Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States as Vice Commander and Commander, 1st Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, Florida, from 31 August 1986 to 21 June 1989. During this period, Colonel Stovall paved the way for Air Force special operations growth, establishing the foundation to support the addition of 26 aircraft and 2,000 personnel in Hurlburt Field, including expanding the 1st Special Operations Wing to five unique aircraft: the MC-130E Combat Talon, HC-130P tanker, AC-130H gunship, HH-53J Pave Low helicopter, and HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter. His all-encompassing knowledge of special operations and the capabilities of his organization led the 1st Special Operations Wing to excellent results on the Headquarters Airlift Command Inspector General Operational Readiness Inspection. Special Operations Forces flew 1,150 hours and 345 missions operating from three locations under severe winter weather, and they demonstrated their wartime capability to excel “Any Time, Any Place.” The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Colonel Stovall reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Air Force Cross


    United States Air Force




    40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron


    Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand

    Action Date:

    June 1 – 2, 1972

    Department of the Air Force, Special Order GB-722 (November 22, 1972)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Title 10, Section 8742, United States Code, takes pleasure in presenting the Air Force Cross to Captain Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an opposing armed force as an Aircraft Commander of an HH-53C rescue helicopter of the 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand, in action in Southeast Asia from 1 June 1972 to 2 June 1972. During this period, Captain Stovall, voluntarily and at great risk to his own life, repeatedly penetrated an extremely hostile and heavily defended area to effect the rescue of a downed American airman. Captain Stovall’s first attempt to rescue the airman was thwarted by numerous hostile aircraft and missiles being directed at the rescue force. Determined to save this airman, he willingly returned to this high threat area, braving intense ground fire, to recover the downed airman from deep in North Vietnam. Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, and aggressiveness in the face of hostile forces, Captain Stovall reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

  • Silver Star


    United States Air Force




    40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron


    Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand

    Action Date:

    June 27, 1972

    Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces, Special Order FB-0282 (December 29, 1972)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Silver Star to Captain Dale Emery Stovall, United States Air Force, for gallantry in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force while serving as Aircraft Commander an HH-53C rescue helicopter of the 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand, in action in Southeast Asia on 27 June 1972. On that date, Captain Stovall, as Aircraft Commander of an HH-53C Rescue Helicopter, voluntarily and at great risk to his own life piloted his aircraft into a hostile and heavily defended area of North Vietnam to effect the rescue of a downed American airman. Realizing the primary recovery aircraft had suffered crippling battle damage, he piloted his aircraft through intense hostile ground fire to complete the rescue of an injured survivor and crewman from encircled ground forces. His professional skill and resolute determination were instrumental in the recovery of the downed airman from this hostile area. By his gallantry and devotion to duty, Captain Stovall has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.