The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Staff Sergeant Grant H. Derrick, United States Army, for gallantry in actions as Senior Medical Sergeant, Operational Detachment Alpha 3336 (ODA-3336), Special Operations Task Force-East, Camp Morehead, Kabul, Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM on 4 May 2010. During this period he placed his own safety at risk to treat several commandos and to save the life of one of his Afghan comrades. He expertly performed the role of warrior and medic in the face of grave danger. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan, Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan, and the United States Army.
Staff Sergeant Grant H. Derrick heroically distinguished himself through exceptionally valorous conduct in the face of the enemy of Afghanistan as the Senior Medical Sergeant for Operational Detachment Alpha 3336 (ODA-3336) with Special Operations Task Force – East with combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. On 4 May 2010 Sergeant Derrick played a vital role in the mission accomplishment due to his professionalism, technical and tactical proficiency and unsurpassed courage. While combat advising the 3d Company, 6th Command Kandak, ODA 3336 conducted disruption operations in Hendor Village, Mehtar Lam District, Laghman Province, Afghanistan. Their mission set conditions for Coalition Forces to clear enemy safe havens in adjacent valleys. The insurgents had complete freedom of movement from which they planned and coordinated attacks against the Afghan National Security Forces and Coalition Forces throughout the region. At 0330 hours, the 3d Company, 6th Command Kandak and ODA 3336 conducted an air assault onto Objective MUDSLIKE in Hendor Village to clear a series of compounds suspected of housing insurgent leaders. Upon infiltration, the HA-64 Air Weapons Team (AWT) and AC-130 gunship identified five armed personnel assembling at the southern end of the village. Simultaneously, AWT identified 40 enemy personnel south of the village, maneuvering on friendly forces. The aircraft monitored insurgents emplacing several improvised explosive devices and establishing multiple firing positions. The aircraft monitored insurgents emplacing several improvised explosive devices and establishing multiple fighting positions. The assault elements decided to continue forward and close the distance with the enemy. Sergeant Derrick continued forward with Supporting Effort 1, fully knowing that the insurgents were in his element’s area of responsibility. Sergeant Derrick tactically maneuvered forward with this element utilizing bounding overwatch. As they reached their limit of advance, enemy fire erupted on the bounding elements. Sergeant Derrick decisively exposed himself to volleys of enemy machine gun fire to direct friendly fire in an attempt to suppress the enemy, enabling the Afghan Commandos to cross danger areas and continue the mission. The insurgents outnumbered the assault force by two-to-one and owned the surrounding high ground, which was littered with concealed caves, spider holes and defensive fighting positions. Their concealed positions provided unobstructed 360 degree fields of fire, enabling them to accurately and heavily engage the assault force for over 10 hours with machinegun and sniper fire. During the fighting, enemy heavy machinegun fire kept the Maine Effort pinned down, as all elements were under accurate volleys of enemy fire from 350 degrees. Sergeant Derrick repeatedly moved out into the open to engage, suppress and mark enemy positions with his 40 millimeter grenade launcher. These actions drew enemy fire away from the Main Effort, giving small groups of friendly forces the freedom to move. After several hours of fighting, Supporting Effort 2 (SE2) became pinned down by highly effective machinegun and sniper fire less than 150 meters to the south and east. The element had multiple casualties and was unable to move due to an impenetrable wall of enemy fire. Sergeant Derrick narrowly dodged numerous bursts of accurate enemy fire, while moving north through the village to assist in medical treatment of multiple SE2 casualties. Heavy machine gun fire had ripped through SE2’s defensive lines from multiple directions, resulting in one Commando killed, two Commandos and one civilian receiving multiple gunshot wounds. Without regard for his personal safety, Sergeant Derrick and a three-man element moved under exceedingly effective enemy machinegun and small arms fire through numerous open areas. Frequently pinned down and narrowly escaping death by mere inches, Sergeant Derrick pressed on to the Casualty Collection Point (CCP) to provide medical assistance vital to the wounded Commands’ survival. At the CCP, Sergeant derrick feverishly worked on multiple patients, often moving back and forth between casualties under heavy enemy fire. His calm and collected composure ensured the wounded that the situation was under control and also inspired and motivated the other Commandos to continue fighting. After preparing the casualties for movement to the initial Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) for medical evacuation, Sergeant Derrick continued to provide life saving medical treatment while moving under a heavy barrage of enemy fire. The enemy fire was so intense that the aiding Commandos were forced to take cover. Sergeant Derrick, lying in the prone, was forced to drag the litter patient up and over the obstacles. During the barrage, the wounded Commando suffered a second gunshot wound to his hip. Sergeant Derrick used his own body to shield the wounded Commando while treating the second gunshot wound. Sergeant Derrick received a grazing wound to his ankle while treating the wounded Commando. Sergeant Derrick successfully stemmed the casualty’s bleeding and continuously maintained the airway while under enemy fire for the next 30 minutes. Continuing to move through the kill zone and over remnants of dilapidated stone structures, Sergeant Derrick was again stranded with the casualty behind minimal cover due to the devastating fire that cut him off from the rest of the litter team. Sergeant Derrick continued to monitor and treat the casualty alone until receiving notice that there would be large, controlled detonation in the village. Sergeant Derrick one again used his body to protect the casualty from further injury potentially caused by the flying debris of the controlled detonation. Taking advantage of the dust and smoke cloud that engulfed the element after the blast, Sergeant Derrick dragged the casualty across open terrain for more than 50 meters. Upon leaving the concealment of the dust cloud, enemy fighters commenced another attack on the aid and litter team, leaving Sergeant Derrick no other choice but to heave the casualty over a wall and into a small building for cover. Still separated from the main force, Sergeant Derrick took it upon himself to move through unsecured areas to reconnoiter a route back to the main element. As the quick reaction force and medical evacuation helicopters entered the valley, insurgents internal communications chatter stated that all fire should be concentrated on shooting down the helicopters. Sergeant Derrick facilitated the safe loading of the casualties while engaging enemy positions with his M4 carbine until the last aircraft made a safe exit. Once Sergeant Derrick linked up with the Main Effort, he continued to engage the enemy until exfiltration was complete. Following the removal of the wounded Commandos, Sergeant Derrick helped lead SE2 back down into the onslaught of danger areas overflowing with enemy fire and into the heart of the village to link up and lead the remaining elements to the extraction point. His gallantry and perseverance under extreme circumstances directly saved the lives of three Commandos and one civilian, using his own body to provide cover for the wounded on multiple occasions. His actions in the fight played a vital role in the killing of over 30 enemy fighters including one Taliban commander and three Taliban sub-commanders and driving off another 50 insurgents who were previously strong-pointed in robust defensive fighting positions. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force Ð Afghanistan, the Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command Ð Afghanistan and the United States Army.