The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 11046, 24 August 1962, takes pleasure in presenting the Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” to Sergeant First Class Ronald L. Brooks, United States Army (Reserve), for exceptionally valorous conduct in the face of the enemy of the United States as a Military Transition Team Advisor, Forward Operating Base SYKES, Iraq, during combat operations in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM III on 30 May 2005. Sergeant First Class Brooks was part of an Iraqi Army dismounted patrol in the city of Tal Afar, Iraq. He began to receive small arms fire. Disregarding his own personal safety, he exposed himself to cover an Iraqi Army soldier until the soldier was behind cover. He displayed unwavering courage resulting in the eventual defeat of the enemy. His quick thinking saved the lives of Iraqi Army soldiers. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of Military Service and reflect great credit upon him, Multi-National Force Northwest, and the United States Army.
Sergeant First Class Ronald L. Brooks distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous achievement as a MiTT Advisor, while deployed with the Multi-National Security Transition Command, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. On 30 May 2005, Sergeant First Class Brooks was part of an Iraqi Army dismounted patrol in the city of Tal Afar, Iraq. The purpose of the patrol was to establish Iraqi Army presence in a hostile neighborhood in the vicinity of the Tal Afar General Hospital. Approximately 30 minutes into the patrol they began to receive AIF small arms fire. Sergeant First Class Brooks immediately took action by returning fire and calling out the location of enemy positions. Disregarding his own personal safety, Sergeant First Class Brooks exposed himself to enemy sniper fire while an Iraqi Army soldier who had tripped and fell in the open, attempted to recover his weapon and ammo from the ground. As the soldier was attempting to recover ammunition he had dropped in the street, two sniper rounds impacted on the ground almost striking him. Sergeant First Class Brooks drew attention to himself by moving from his covered position in order to provide cover fire for the IA soldiers. While exposed, a sniper bullet impacted on a wall six inches from Sergeant First Class Brooks’ head. Seconds later an RPG impacted about 60 feet in front of Sergeant First Class Brooks’ position. In spite of enemy fire, Sergeant First Class Brooks continued to cover the Iraqi soldier with his own fire until the soldier retrieved his ammunition and weapon and was safely behind cover. Sergeant First Class Brooks then advanced through the AIF kill zone to rally the Iraqi Army soldiers. Sergeant First Class Brooks then advised the Iraqi Army officer in charge of the patrol to put some soldiers on the roof of a building to gain fire superiority over the AIF. When this was accomplished the AIF broke contact and retreated. Sergeant First Class Brooks displayed unwavering courage under enemy fire, disregarding his own personal safety, commitment to mission accomplishment, and teamwork which resulted in the eventual defeat of the enemy. His quick thinking and decisive action saved the lives of Iraqi Army soldiers. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect distinct credit upon himself, the 98th Division (IT), and the United States Army Reserve.