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For his heroic actions that caused his death, Maurice Henry was initially submitted for the Medal of Honor, but the recommendation was downgraded to the Distinguished Service Cross.

Awards Received

  • Distinguished Service Cross


    United States Army Air Forces


    Technical Sergeant


    544th Bombardment Squadron


    384th Bombardment Group (H)


    8th Air Force

    Action Date:

    November 26, 1943

    Headquarters, U.S. Strategic Forces in Europe, General Orders No. 11 (February 28, 1944)

    (Citation Needed) – SYNOPSIS: The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pride in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross (Posthumously) to Technical Sergeant Maurice Victor Henry (ASN: 37205337), United States Army Air Forces, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Flight Engineer and Top Turret Gunner on a B-17 Heavy Bomber in the 544th Bombardment Squadron, 384th Bombardment Group (H), EIGHTH Air Force, while participating in a bombing mission on 26 November 1943, against enemy targets at Bremen, Germany. While approaching the target on its bombing run, his aircraft suffered an engine failure in the 2 outboard engines and began to fall behind the formation. The crew jettisoned the bombs to lighten the load and intercept the formation, but one fully-armed bomb was hung up in the racks. Despite the extreme cold and while trying to evade the intense attacks by German fighters, Technical Sergeant Henry entered the open bomb bay and released the bomb. Almost simultaneously, the number 3 engine caught fire and the pilot decided to run for a cloud bank. From his top turret Technical Sergeant Henry destroyed one German plane and damaged another. The German fighter attacks increased in intensity and, despite the evasive actions of the pilot, the bomber sustained many damaging hits. The oxygen system was inoperable, the pilot’s aileron control and the rudder controls of the pilot and co-pilot were destroyed, and the entire electrical system, including instruments and turret control, were unusable. An incendiary shell struck the left side of the cockpit, wounding the pilot and setting fire to the cockpit. Although ill and vomiting from the acrid smoke, Technical Sergeant Henry extinguished the fire. The cloud cover made it possible to evade the German fighters, but the plane was losing altitude. Due to the failure of the inter-communications system, Technical Sergeant Henry had to make several trips through the aircraft to convey the pilot’s orders and to ensure the jettisoning of equipment to lighten the load. As the aircraft broke out of the clouds at 6000 feet over Emden, Germany, it was immediately engaged by heavy, accurate anti-aircraft fire that inflicted more damage. However, the pilot’s strong evasive action allowed the plane to escape to the sea. All the radio equipment was destroyed and it was impossible to transmit an SOS. Sighting a small boat on the sea, Technical Sergeant Henry located a Very pistol with flare to signal it. With no power, the pilot still managed to land in the North Sea in the general area of the surface vessel and the plane broke in two just aft of the radio compartment. Technical Sergeant Henry assisted the other crew members in leaving the aircraft, and he was the last person to abandon it. He further delayed his exit by searching for, and finding, the emergency radio, which he took with him into the icy water of the North Sea. Because of the battle damage to the life rafts, the heavy swell of the waves, and the shock of entering the extremely cold water, the crew members could do nothing to assist one another. Despite his valiant struggle, Technical Sergeant Henry, still grasping the emergency radio he thought necessary for their rescue, was washed away and lost. Technical Sergeant Henry’s selfless, courageous actions and extraordinary heroism made possible the rescue of seven members of his crew. The personal courage and zealous devotion to duty displayed by Technical Sergeant Henry on this occasion, at the cost of his life, have upheld the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the 8th Air Force, and the United States Army Air Forces.