The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy and Marine Corps Medal to Airman Apprentice, Parachute Rigger Striker John A. Van Voorhis, United States Navy, for heroic conduct in rescuing a Moroccan citizen from drowning at Mehdia Beach near Kenitra, Morocco, on the afternoon of 13 May 1961. Upon learning that a swimmer was in difficulty in the treacherous surf approximately 200 yards offshore, Airman Apprentice Van Voorhis immediately entered the dangerous waters and swam to the side of the panic-stricken victim, who had thwarted the rescue attempts of several other swimmers. Despite determined resistance, Airman Apprentice Van Voorhis succeeded in swimming with the man against the strong undertow to the safety of shallow water, where he received help in completing the rescue. Displaying initiative and courage, Airman Apprentice Van Voorhis risked his own life to save that of another.