The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Soldier’s Medal to Corporal Alex Stewart (ASN: 6338913), United States Army, for heroism, not involving actual conflict with an enemy, displayed while serving with Battery A, 5th Field Artillery, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 4 June 1931. During the firing of a 155-mm howitzer by Battery A, 5th Field Artillery, the muzzle blast ignited the camouflage net which in turn ignited the grass and brush in the immediate vicinity of the howitzer. Corporal Steward and the other members of the gun squad, with utter disregard of the danger of an explosion from shells which were on a burning paulin in the midst of the flames, rushed from the gun pit and, despite the excruciating heat, succeeded in removing the exposed explosives to a place of safety. Thereupon they extinguished the flames and bought a dangerous fire under control. The high degree of heroism displayed by Corporal Stewart on this occasion contributed to the saving of Government property and possibly of human life and is characteristic of that splendid standard upon which the traditions of our Military Establishment are founded.