The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy and Marine Corps Medal to Seaman Apprentice Raymond B. Berry (NSN: 3517359), United States Navy, for heroic conduct, while attached to Naval Station Sangley Point as a member of the crash boat crew, in assisting in the rescue of thirteen survivors from a fiercely burning Mariner aircraft which had crashed in the seadrome of the United States Naval Station at Sangley Point in the Republic of the Philippines on 14 June 1951. Arriving at the scene of the disaster only seconds after the plane had crashed in a nose-down attitude, overturned and commenced burning, Seaman Apprentice Berry, despite the fact that the aircraft and gasoline in the surrounding water were burning furiously, and knowing full well the personal peril to which he was subjecting himself, aided in the rescue effort by assisting survivors from the stricken plane and surrounding water into the crash boat. The rescue effort was continued until all visible passengers and crewmen had been removed from the wreckage. The coolness and courage displayed by Seaman Apprentice Berry on this occasion were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.