The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy and Marine Corps Medal to Steward Third Class James H. Brown (NSN: 2699503), United States Navy, for outstanding heroism, courageous action and performance beyond the call of duty during the tragic explosion and fires on board the U.S.S. BENNINGTON (CVA-20), while serving on board in the Supply Department of that ship. On 26 May 1954, the BENNINGTON while conducting air operations 75 miles south of Newport, Rhode Island, suffered a series of violent explosions that spread flash fires, intense heat, and dense smoke throughout much of the forward section of the ship causing death or injury to 220 officers and men. Realizing that serious dangers existed but without regard for his own safety, Seward Third Class Brown chose not to make his escape up one deck to safety, but rather to go below to a compartment where men were known to be asleep and to get them out if possible. His heroic, courageous, and quick action saved the lives of several men. In so doing Steward Third Class Brown very nearly lost his own life and suffered burns and injuries requiring extensive hospitalization. His actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.