Navy Federal Credit Union

Awards Received

  • Silver Star


    United States Marine Corps


    Lance Corporal


    1st Battalion


    5th Marines


    1st Marine Division (Rein.), FMF

    Action Date:

    August 8, 1970

    The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal Peter Charlie (MCSN: 2591299), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Rifleman with Company B, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the vicinity of DaNang, Republic of Vietnam. On the night of 8 August 1970, Lance Corporal Charlie was occupying an ambush position as a member of a four-man team from Company B when the fire team leader signaled the approach of North Vietnamese Army soldiers. Almost simultaneously, the enemy soldiers hurled hand grenades into the ambush site and wounded two of the Marines. Quick to act, Lance Corporal Charlie initiated a lone counterattack against the enemy to prevent them from overrunning the position. As he advanced toward the enemy soldiers, firing his automatic weapon, they began to retreat. During this pursuit of the enemy, one of the fleeing soldiers managed to hurl a grenade in the path of Lance Corporal Charlie. Although mortally wounded by the force of the explosion, Lance Corporal Charlie, by his valiant fighting spirit, had forced the enemy into full retreat, thereby saving the lives of his comrades. His heroic actions in the face of overwhelming odds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.