Navy Federal Credit Union

Dudley Morton graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with the Class of 1930. He received the Army Distinguished Service Cross and Navy Cross in one mission, and was subsequently awarded three additional Navy Crosses for other submarine patrols. During his missions as Commander of the Wahoo he tallied up a number of World War II “Firsts”: FIRST to penetrate an enemy harbor and sink a ship therein; FIRST to use successfully a down the throat shot; and FIRST to wipe out an entire convoy single-handed.”

Awards Received

  • Distinguished Service Cross


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander


    U.S.S. Wahoo (SS-238)

    Action Date:

    January 24 – 26, 1943

    Headquarters, South West Pacific Area, General Orders No. 16 (February 9, 1943)

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker Morton (NSN: 0-63274), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Commanding Officer of the Submarine U.S.S. WAHOO (SS-238), in action against enemy forces in the Southwest Pacific Area during the period 24 to 26 January 1943. Attacking an enemy destroyer in the harbor of Wewak, New Guinea, Lieutenant Commander Morton, Commanding the Submarine U.S.S. WAHOO (SS-238), sank this vessel and then continued the attack on a hostile convoy proceeding to reinforce the enemy forces in New Guinea. By courageous action he destroyed completely every vessel of the convoy, which included two cargo ships, a tanker and a troop transport, contributing outstandingly to the success of operations in New Guinea.

  • Navy Cross


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander


    U.S.S. Wahoo (SS-238)

    Action Date:

    January 16 – February 7, 1943

    Pacific Fleet Board Awards: Serial 32 (June 21, 1943)

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker Morton (NSN: 0-63274), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. WAHOO (SS-238), on the THIRD War Patrol of that submarine during the period 16 January 1943 to 7 February 1943, in enemy controlled waters of Pacific War Area during action against enemy Japanese forces which resulted in the sinking of 31,890 tons of enemy shipping. Ingeniously devising an improvised chart of a little known hostile territory, Lieutenant Commander Morton, displaying fearless initiative, utilized the chart as his guide and entered hazardous waters where he attacked and sank an enemy destroyer. Later, he engaged an unescorted Japanese convoy in a fourteen-hour running battle and, tirelessly pursuing his objective in the face of heavy gunfire, successfully accomplished the destruction of four important vessels. His inspiring leadership, keen judgment, and daring aggressiveness were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

  • Navy Cross


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander


    U.S.S. Wahoo (SS-238)

    Action Date:

    September 9 – October 11, 1943

    Submarine Board of Awards: Serial 0085 (December 2, 1943)

    The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting a Third Gold Star in lieu of a Fourth Award of the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker Morton (NSN: 0-63274), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. WAHOO (SS-238), on the SEVENTH War Patrol of that submarine during the period 9 September 1943 to 11 October 1943, in action against enemy vessels in the Sea of Japan. With the utmost skill and daring, Commander Morton conducted three highly successful war patrols in Japanese-controlled waters, inflicting heavy losses on enemy shipping, and, courageously entering dangerous, confined and shallow waters on a subsequent vital mission, accomplished the complete destruction of at least one important hostile ship. Commander Morton’s brilliant tactical ability and inspiring leadership throughout these extremely hazardous operations reflect great credit upon himself, his command and the Unites States Naval Service.

  • Navy Cross


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander


    U.S.S. Wahoo (SS-238)

    Action Date:

    April 25 – May 21, 1943

    Commander In Chief Pacific Fleet: Serial 01623 (July 11, 1943)

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Second Gold Star in lieu of a Third Award of the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker Morton (NSN: 0-63274), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. WAHOO (SS-238), on the FIFTH War Patrol of that submarine during the period 25 April 1943 to 21 May 1943, during action against enemy Japanese forces in the hostile waters of the Sea of Japan. With outstanding skill and courage, Commander Morton delivered aggressive torpedo attacks against hostile vessels and succeeded in damaging or sinking a large amount of enemy shipping. His daring leadership and indomitable fighting spirit and the gallant devotion to duty of his command were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

  • Navy Cross


    United States Navy


    Lieutenant Commander


    U.S.S. Wahoo (SS-238)

    Action Date:

    February 23 – April 6, 1943

    Commander In Chief Pacific Fleet: Serial 0938 (April 22, 1943)

    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker Morton (NSN: 0-63274), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. WAHOO (SS-238), on the FOURTH War Patrol of that submarine during the period 23 February 1943 to 6 April 1943, during action against enemy Japanese forces in the East China Sea. During vital operations in an extremely hazardous area, Commander Morton directed the effective torpedo and gunfire of his ship with outstanding professional skill and excellent judgment accounting for eight enemy vessels, a trawler and two sampans, a total of 36,693 tons, as well as damaging a 5,973-ton freighter. The brilliant leadership and valiant devotion to duty displayed by Commander Morton throughout the entire period of action reflect great credit upon his command and the United States Naval Service.