The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Soldier’s Medal to Sergeant Jerry D. Brooks, United States Army, for heroism at the risk of life not involving conflict with an armed enemy as a member of Headquarters Company, 3d Medium Tank Battalion, 37th Armor, 2 March 1960, at Conn Barracks, Schweinfurt, Germany. Upon observing a fire raging on a tank while it was being returned from the Battalion Miniature Tank Range, Sergeant Brooks promptly reported this information to the Battalion fire department. After arriving first at the scene of the flaming tank, he discovered that the fire was spreading quickly from it’s source on a gasoline jettison drum to the rear deck and engine compartment, threatening to explode ammunition stored aboard. Without hesitation or concern for his own personal safety, Sergeant Brooks mounted the blazing rear deck of the tank. Using a fire axe, he severed the bands holding the burning drums of gasoline, reducing and isolating the fire, and saved the tank from total destruction. Sergeant Brooks’ prompt, decisive actions and courageous efforts in the face of extreme danger prevented the extensive damage to valuable government property. The unselfish heroism which he displayed in this sudden emergency is worthy of emulation and reflects distinct credit upon himself and the military service. (This award supersedes so much of General Orders Number 108, Headquarters, Seventh Army, dated 28 December 1960 as pertains to the previous award of the Army Commendation Medal to Sergeant Brooks for an act of courage on 2 March 1960.)