The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Private First Class Coy Cornett (ASN: 35432431), United States Army, for gallantry in action while serving with the 315th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division, in action against the enemy on 24 March 1945 in Germany. During the Rhine River crossing, two of the assault craft landed at a place on the east bank which was entirely covered by enemy machine gun fire from established positions, thus forcing the assault group to remain at the river edge. Determining to force the issue, Private Cornett left his position on the bank and ran directly into the enemy fire toward the machine gun emplacements. On reaching a point from which the hostile positions could be observed, he fired anti-tank grenades killing four of the enemy and successfully relieving the assault group from its perilous situation. The courageous initiative and determination displayed by Private Cornett reflect great credit on himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.