The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Major General Du Quoc Dong, Army of the Republic of Vietnam, for gallantry in action in Vietnam on 29 January 1970, while serving as Commanding General, Army of the Republic of Vietnam Airborne Division, during a base defense in Tay Ninh Province, Republic of Vietnam. When Fire Support Base Sandra came under intense enemy fire, General Dong, hearing of the attack and knowing from intelligence reports that a determined ground attack might follow, unhesitatingly, and with complete disregard for his own safety, flew to the fire support base, landed amidst the closely impacting mortar rounds and deftly assisted the base commander of the 7th Battalion, 3d Army of the Republic of Vietnam Airborne Brigade in planning his defense. After conferring on the defensive tactics and the timetable of the offensive thrust, General Dong boarded his Command-and-Control helicopter and flew to an isolated area where several elements of the 3d Army of the Republic of Vietnam Airborne Brigade were engaged with a numerically superior force of enemy regulars. Here, he ordered his aircraft to make numerous low-level passes, while he skillfully directed devastatingly accurate aerial rocket artillery, conventional artillery and airstrikes on the enemy positions. Despite the intensified ground-to-air fire, General Dong remained undaunted and continued to direct the effective counterattack which resulted in silencing the enemy positions. General Dong’s unselfish, courageous actions were an inspiration to the other men in the air as well as those on the ground and his efforts were directly responsible for deterring a major enemy attack, successfully defending Fire Support Base Sandra, and killing over 50 enemy regulars. His gallant action was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit on himself and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam.