The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Soldier’s Medal to Master Sergeant Wilbur B. Liggett, United States Army, for heroism at the risk of life not involving conflict with an armed enemy as a member of Headquarters Company, 23rd Engineer Battalion, at Grafenwohr, Germany, on 9 February 1960. While passing a tank park Sergeant Liggett was informed of a fire in a combat loaded tank. He immediately preceded to the area and observed the fire entering the turret from the air breather vents. Realizing that the fire fighting equipment present had exhausted its chemicals and that the fire would reach explosives before additional equipment could be hooked up, Sergeant Liggett directed the clearance of loaded vehicles from the area and with utter disregard of his own safety entered the turret of the blazing tank. He turned off the main fuel valve and succeeded in unloading some of the 90-mm. ammunition before he was driven from the turret by fumes. Upon the arrival of a companion with masks, Sergeant Liggett again entered the tank and unloaded ammunition until the fire was brought under control. The unhesitating courage, leadership, and presence of mind displayed by Sergeant Liggett reflect great credit upon himself and the military service. (This award supersedes so much of General Orders Number 28, Headquarters, 3d Armored Division (Spearhead), dated 6 April 1960, as pertains to the previous award of the Army Commendation Metal to Sergeant Liggett for meritorious service on ninth it worry 1960.)